
happy halle!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

my fave books

Junie B. Jones is my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave book selection. She is funny and Happy. There is a web site called It is F.U.N!!!!! Anyway I have a F.U.N. time there! I read all of my 9 books. There is Aloha ha ha, Cheater pants, Dumb Bunny, Captain field day, Mushy gushy valentime, Beauty shop guy, Stupid smelly bus, Shipwrecked, and Toothless wonder. My favorites are Aloha ha ha. My newest one, and Mushy gushy valentime, my oldest one.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ohhhhh, hoooo. That is what i say when I see this picture of my doggie Fuffy. Her real name is fergie. I took this picture for you people that should follow my blog and i took the picture for a beautiful picture of my little pup. She is playful and sleepyish like in the picture. Thank you guys for reading this new blog. Thanks for all of the f0llowing things and blog posts and coments. Please make one for this blog too. Especially my friend from school Melissa Mchenry. =) Thanks!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Outside Front Yard Of The World

Hi, my name is Halle Brown. You remember me from my other three or four blog posts. I have a new blog post. I drew this picture because it was a reminder of my imagination and it was a colorful imagination. This picture is a picture of the title "Outside Front Yard Of The World!" I put a girl in the school bus for a good thing called imagine. The girl waving with the blonde hair outside of the school bus next to the flower is a girl that I imagined to look like. The schoolbus has an antanae that is Mickey Mouse! Ha Ha Ha. I have a dirt pile shown in front of the house. The house has eight windows. Wow, th at is a lot of windows. I hope you like my art.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Make Your Own High Heels

I have a can and a pair of flip-flops to make my very own high heels. I was a happy happy very happy happy woman in the can flops. They made a crushing can sound when I walked. I brought along a white purse with a toy bag carrying bag, a bag that has toys in it with a bag to carry the bag. HA HA HA HA HA! Here's how you make your very own high heels:

  • First get your flip flops or regular shoes.
  • Next, you get two soda cans.
  • Put on your shoes.
  • Stomp on the soda cans until they stick to your shoes.
  • Walk around like a nice high heel woman.
  • For an accessory, carry a toy bag carrying bag.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

cheerleading happiness

I like cheerleading. One day, I had fake pom poms and they were pink. I pretended that my mom was the cheerleading teacher and I was the student. She told me to move the pom poms. But this picture is a real picture of me in real cheerleading. I had a fun time and it was hot at the parade. That is where we had our cheerleading. Everyone watched me wave and smile and cheer. They said hi and good job. After I had the parade I had to go in a place where when you did good you have to get a golden cheerleading metal. The cheerleading was fun when I put out my hand and got hot when we had to do the split jump and the splits. The cheerleading was very fun when we also brought my friend Elyse and we both did our moves but before we started the parade, we had to say "We are ready, yes we are, we are ready how about you." We said it around in a circle.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

San Francisco fun

ywehdxrtfdgsdhegxijzi is my favorite word. I do not know if I spelled that right.That is what I said in San Francisco. I also had a fun time there. My mom and my dad and my brother, Drew, went there for a vacation. This is a picture of me at Fisherman's Wharf with sponge bob statue. It was very fun there with the hotel which is called Hotel Palamar and it had eight floors to get up to our room. We went to an aquarium and had a free limo ride at the bus stop with a driver with a funny accent. It was a blast there. I saw a spongebob ride with a video you have to sit in a chair and it will shake you. Soon we had to leave and it was a six hour ride home. That was very fun in San Francisco.